ROBOTICS | ARTec Robotics & Coding STEM
Game Changing Preschool Robotics STEM programme building Numeracy Proficiency, Early Scientific and Digital Competencies!

Numerous studies have proven that early grounding of young children to Scientic, Technological, and Mathematical concepts enhances their interest and lay the foundation for them to comfortably engage in these ideas when they are older.
Wow! Learning has teamed up with ARTec to offer Japan’s leading Preschool Robotics and Coding S.T.E.M. Program in Singapore. ARTec Robotics Programmes has over 700 centres and enrols more than 5,000 children in Japan.
Children learn best when they are able to construct their own knowledge. The course advocates a practical hands on approach. Children actively participate in their own learning through meaningful and purposeful Puzzle Play and construct and code their own Robots.
Its integrated curriculum emphasizes the development of the child’s intellectual capabilities to think critically and inventively. Developing their resilience in problem solving, building their knowledge through experimentation and igniting their curiosity to their environment.

Build Numeracy Proficiency through purposeful play.
– Develops Problem Solving Skills
– Strengthens Spatial Intelligence
– Motor Skills Development

Robotics is a fun way to engage children in learning about early science, engineering and maths and get an understanding of how these subjects are linked together.
– Discover the workings of gears, linkages, levers and motors through play and experimentation
– Learn scientific principles like cause and effects, force and movements
– Develop Critical and Inventive Thinking Skills while constructing your own Robots

Programming your robots to carry out tasks and experimenting with it, makes the learning of coding enjoyable and entertaining. At the same time it develops logical reasoning and critical thinking skills.
– Pictorial based coding environment, suitably appropriate for early years children
– Develops Logical Thinking Skills
– No prior experience needed

$660 / Term of 11 lessons
(1.5 hrs each lesson)
Discount : 10% for 1st sign up

Promotes proficiency in Mathematics throughpurposeful play of Award Winning ARTec blocks!

Discover early Engineering and Scientific concepts in fun and entertaining Robotics lessons!

Enjoy Coding using Early Years age appropriate pictorial based platform and programming the Robots to carry out tasks and missions!