Feedback, Complaint & Appeal Policy
- Provide a means for Learners to obtain a prompt and fair response to a complaint.
- We value comments and seek to continue refining our services and procedures in order to build a culture of trust among students and educators.
- PTA does not engage in age, gender, race, religion, or special needs-based discrimination.
- All Learners must be treated with respect in PTA. Learners should not be physically or verbally abused.
- All PTA employees must be handled with respect. There should be no physical or verbal abuse of employees.
- Learners must complete and submit an official complaint form to the academy consultant.
- Determine the nature of the Learner’s complaint by the academy consultant.
- MR will conduct an investigation and give Learner with a written response within fourteen working days (discuss with all parties concerned and decide the course of action, if necessary)
- The PTA’s reply is FINAL.
- An appeal must be filed within five days from the date of the examination.
- When an appeal is submitted, the MR and a subgroup of the Academic and Examination Board will evaluate it.
- The decision from PTA is final.