Following is a feet chart or feet map to show how different points in feet correspond to different organs. If you were to have constantly experience acute pain on specific part of your foot sole during massage, do visit a doctor.
Reflexology is considered to be an ancient healing art of massage. It is very simple as it applies pressure to specific reflex points of the feet. The term is taken in sense of foot massage but it is different from that as oil or lotion is not used in it. Experts use maps of feet and hands in order to know which body systems correspond with other.
For example, left foot corresponds to organs on the left side whereas right side of the foot corresponds to right side of body. It can be deeply relaxing for those suffering from ankle injuries, everyday work or play.
One should let the therapist know about his/her pain levels. If you frequent the reflexology shop, you will remember they check pressure with you at the start of the foot massage session. Reflexology is the first in Singapore to catch the wellness bug. It is affordable, mostly under $30 per session of 30-60minutes session. By frequent sessions of this therapy you will feel healthy and more energised.
Origin of Reflexology
Reflexology was a common healing treatment practiced 5,000 years ago in ancient Asia and Middle Eastern cultures. Some practices have been found in histories of Egypt and China. It was basically introduced by William H. Fitzgerald (an ear, throat, nose specialist). He studied that pressure on feet or hands affects various parts of body.
Later, reflexology was modified by E.D. Ingham (a physiotherapist) that feet are sensitive and mapped the entire body into ‘reflexes’ on the feet renaming ‘zone therapy’ to ‘reflexology’.
Important Reflexology Points to Note
There are some important points regarding reflexology to be kept in mind. Have a look on them:
- Always do the whole treatment, while doing reflexology. It is important to do it on entire area rather than on some specific points.
- Ill people can be very sensitive and have low pain tolerance so they should have this therapy for only 20-30 minutes.
- Oil or creams have very effective impact on skin so therapist must use them during the massage.
- It is recommended that talcum powder is best for reflexology so one must apply it on hands and feet.
- It is best to start reflexology from feet as it gives quick results.
- Normal reflexology sessions should last about 45 minutes.
- A diabetic patient should test his or her blood pressure before and after the session because it can severely rise or drop during this therapy session.
- Client should sit or lay down with comfort to get the most benefit of a massage session. The reflexologist will be happier and more satisfied to work on a relaxed client.
Benefits of Reflexology
- Reflexology creates relaxation as reflexology expert uses his or her hands for work
- Reflexology reduces pain.
- Reflexology is considered to be in concern with almost 80 health issues among patients of all ages.
- Reflexology improves blood flow in feet, kidney, brain and intestine.
- Reflexology aids in a pateint’s recovery after surgery as it reduces pain.
- Reflexology has a significant impact on physiological measures.
- Helps in curing neuropathy patients.
- Reflexology helps to reduce and alleviate depresison, as well as lift the mood without any pills or medicine
- Helps to aid cancer patients as reflexology is like an exercise to help people improve blood circulation, which is important for good health.
- Promotes ease in pregnancy, delivery and post-partum effects and has positive effects on urination.