A spa career is very broad discipline in the field of massage. Wellness tourists travel for the purpose of promoting well-being and health through spiritual, physical, or psychological activities. It is often correlated with medical tourism because health interests motivate many travellers. These tourists seek to improve or maintain quality of life and health. Such tourists travel reactively to receive treatment for a diagnosed disease or condition.
Spa tourists perform diverse services including yoga, healthy diet, weight management, health related education etc. They seek treatments or procedures using alternative, herbal, homeopathic, or conventional medicines.
Resorts and Retreats
Wellness programs can also be done in resorts and retreats. They offer short term wellness program to reduce stress and for enhancement of other health concerns.
Hotels and Hospitality
Almost 40% guests seek to maintain healthy lifestyle while traveling. They include programs like relaxation programs, fitness facilities, spa services and classes.
Hospitals and Medical Centres
Hospitals are regarded as best provider of wellness programs. These programs emphasise health screaming, prevention and lifestyle improvement. Partnership of hotels and hospitals is best combination for these programs.
Spa and Wellness tourism is a growing sector in the tourism industry and it has an increase of participants every year. It is considered as very ancient type of tourism because it spends most time on health. Western Medicine has failed to recognize healing benefits of spa and fitness industry. The two fields have converged and caused a veritable explosion, making this new trend of Medical Spa, the wave of the future.
The primary function of spa is to provide comprehensive medical and wellness care in proper environment. Plastic surgeons and dermatologists have been jumping on the bandwagon joining Day Spas and even expanding their practices to offer high-level spa services and programs. Fitness centers and hair saloons are also offered by them. Medical Spa, like Day Spa enforces the importance of a relaxing atmosphere. There is difference between Medical and Day Spa.
A Medical Spa is perfect balance between luxury and clinical. First step in the creation of medical spa is the menu of service and concept design support . An essential element of a successful operation is the staffing of Medical Spa. Licensed therapists are required for this purpose. Under the guidance of doctors and supervision the staff should be trained in patient preparations.
It is advantageous to employ Estheticians with varied medical backgrounds, when hiring staff. Original and most popular medical practice is dermatology. Clients become aware of dermatological procedures like; Botox, laser resurging, laser hair removal, camouflage make-up or collagen etc. Patients like chemotherapy patients are always in need of skincare that is all natural as well as non-toxic.
Spiritual healings, detoxifying treatments, scar management for Mastectomies and lumpectomies are among the treatments that are given to the clients of Medical Spa. A Medical Spa is a facility that during all hours of business shall operate under the on-site supervision of a licensed health care professional operating within their scope of practice.
Traditional, complementary, and alternative health practices are offered in treatments in a spa-like setting.